Rent To Own Homes

Connecting Buyers and Sellers of Rent to Own Homes since 2002

builder, construction, real estate, building trades association, bta, member, rent to own, homes

Do You Provide Services...
to Homeowners?

Are YOU Looking for New Customers and Clients?

If You're Reading This, Then Your Answer is Probably; "YES"

WHERE Are You Looking for these Customers?
WHO Can You Trust to Give You Results?

Would You Trust a New Company with No Track Record, OR...
Would You Trust an Established Company with a 9-Year Track Record?

If You are Serious about your Business, You Would Choose
"An Established Company with a 9-Year Track Record"
...That's Who WE Are!

Since 2002, people have trusted our website to bring them results.
Our Customers have made us the #1 Website for Rent to Own,
with over 1.5 Million Hits of Rent to Own visitor traffic, and Major Media coverage

Did You Know...

Current Homeowners Always need your Services...
Prospective Homeowners Always need your Services...

If you Offer a Home Service (Realtor, Attorney, Investor, Contractor, Builder, etc.),
Current and Prospective Homeowners are your "Bread and Butter" Customers...

How Can You Find These Potential Customers in Need of Your Services?

It's Very Simple

If you OFFER a Service to Homeowners, Add Your Services to our "Homes Services" section
...And Reach ALL OF YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS visiting our website!


What Kind of Services do You Offer?

("ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY": We have a strict "Zero Tolerance" policy for anyone seeking to lie, cheat, or scam anyone on our website. We have been the foundation for buyers and sellers of Rent to Own Homes to meet up and make deals for over 8 years, and we will prosecute anyone that tries to breach that integrity to the fullest extent of the law).

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This Offer Expires 9/15/2015

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Looking for a Rent to Own Home?
Click here to see how...

NOTE: Rent to Own Homes are also referred to as lease purchase, lease to purchase, lease to buy, rent to buy, lease option, rent with an option to buy, lease to own, lease with option to purchase, and rent with option to purchase. HomeRun Homes is the premier website for Rent to Own Homes.

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